MJH Thought Leaders

August 11, 2023 Tamra Zaleski and Erin Drebych

MJH Thought Leaders

We introduce to you an initiative that aims to revolutionize the way we share insights and knowledge within our organization and the broader industry. We are excited to unveil MJH Thought Leaders, our new company LinkedIn page, dedicated to fostering thought leadership and creating a platform for all of us to voice our industry-related ideas and expertise.

What is a Thought Leader?

A Thought Leader is an individual recognized as an authority in a specific field. Sharing your ideas and insights on a particular topic helps demonstrate that you are knowledgeable and experienced in your respective area. As you build your credibility, your following will respect and trust your ideas, making you an informed opinion leader. By sharing your thoughts, you could be influencing others to think and act in your industry and help shape the future of your field.

What is the purpose of the MJH Thought Leaders LinkedIn page?

MJH Thought Leaders is a platform designed to showcase expertise, experiences, and perspectives related to the industry we serve and the brands we represent. This page aims to facilitate meaningful discussions, encourage knowledge exchange, and elevate our collective presence in the professional community. This page also provides associates a place to find social updates, industry trends, and useful information.

Why should you participate?

We understand that you each bring a wealth of knowledge and diverse experiences to the table. Through the MJH Thought Leaders page, you can share your insights, thoughts, and ideas on a wide range of topics that are relevant to our industry. This engagement will not only contribute to your personal growth and professional development but will also enhance our company’s reputation as a key player in the field.

How can you participate?

Follow @MJH Thought Leaders and tag this account on your personal LinkedIn whenever posting about something company or industry related. Examples of posts you should tag are listed below.

Encouraged posts on MJH Thought Leaders:

1. Industry news & analysis: Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry and share noteworthy news, trends, and analyses that could impact our business. Engage with your colleagues on their posts and spark meaningful conversations.


2. MJH related news & events: Are you excited about a recent milestone or upcoming event at MJH? Share it on the page! Whether it’s a product launch, charity initiative, or team-building activity, we want to celebrate with you.

3. Brand champions unite: As brand champions, your enthusiasm is contagious. Use the platform to promote events you’ll be attending and invite your followers to join you. Let’s build a strong community internally and externally.

4. Sharing insights & best practices: You are the experts of your fields. Share your knowledge, experiences, and best practices to help others grow and learn.

5. Engagement & networking: Engage with your fellow associates and industry professionals through comments, likes, and shares. Expand your network, build meaningful connections, and stay informed.

The impact of your contributions

Your active participation on MJH Thought Leaders can create a ripple effect that extends beyond our organization. By sharing your insights and expertise, you contribute to industry-wide discussions, position our company as a key player, and drive positive change in your field. Your influence goes beyond the virtual realm, inspiring others to seek collaboration, innovation, and excellence.

Happy posting!